Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

We spent the night at great grandpa & grandma Ford's house in Salt Lake Christmas Eve. Teagen had a blast the next morning. So many presents and he kept asking for more. He got a fire truck & hat, a tool box, measuring tape & construction worker hat, and lots of books. He had to make sure every little piece of wrapping paper and tape were removed from every present. Not the fastest unwrapper :) After gifts and breakfast we headed to Jared & Nancy's for a little cousin playtime and lunch. Then we went to great grandma & grandpa Griffiths' for dinner. Teagen got more neat gifts including a puzzle, shake n go car, and bath toys.


Cool Firetruck from Gammie & Grandpa Kirkland
Future Bob the Builder

Making grandma play construction worker :)
Santa brought lots of good books to read!

Christmas Eve Roundup

Grandpa & Grandma Ford w/ new baby Easton
Holly & Easton

A little obsessed with the guns :)

Playing Christmas cowboys with Crew

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cornbread Houses....

To celebrate Christmas time I asked Teagen if he wanted to make gingerbread houses with grandma.  He told her they needed to make cornbread houses :) FYI he LOVES cornbread so we had a good laugh about that. He had a great time decorating AND eating. I was surprised at how many candies actually made it on the house. I for sure thought it might get one or two knowing Teagen has a mighty fine sweet tooth.
The Before

And After. I love the gingerbread family strapped to the roof :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thanksgiving Pictures!!

With Gammie & Grandpa Kirkland.
 Found lots of great sticks on our walk :)
More sticks...

Goofing off for Gammie
In wagon at Ft. Casper

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Who Took The Camera???

So I would have lots of cute pics to post from Thanksgiving but we lost the camera :( Such a bummer. I know I had it on the way home but I'm hoping it didn't accidentally get thrown away or fall out at a gas station. I had some good ones of us in Caspar WY. We drove to spend the holiday with my family at my Aunt Peggy and Uncle Ken's home. It was especially nice because we got to see my brother Jake who just returned home from his mission in France. We had a lot of fun eating and visiting a few museums and shops. Dustin got to go pheasant hunting with the men while the girls got mani/pedis. It was a great time to be able to catch up and hang out with family.

The only pic I could snag from fb...the moms and daughters with all of our yummy pies.  I love our matching aprons that my mom gave us. Too cute!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Trick or Treat

Forgot to post our Halloween pics. Just wishin' my sister Hanna would have been with us to play goldilocks. She would have helped us pass for more than just the three mice or three dogs.  And yes I am one lucky lady to have a hubby that is willing to dress up. Makes Halloween that much better!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just for Kicks

It's been a long week full of sickness at our house. I blame the Halloween candy :) Thankfully, we are starting to function properly again. Apparently at some point while I was down for the count Teagen taught himself how to put his shoes on. I was so amazed today when I saw him for the first time put on real shoes, not just flip flops. He even got them on the right feet which was probably more luck but still sooooo cute. I am just so thankful to have such a dedicated and independent little guy to teach himself things that I ridiculously thought he wasn't ready for.

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Scary Good Time

Carving pumpkins with a toddler is just too much fun. As soon as Dustin and I started cutting Teagen was more than ready to take over for us. We couldn't get him to quit getting all of the "sharps" out of the drawer. If you look closely at all of the pumpkins you can see the Frankenstein like cuts that Teagie made. Quite the artistic input :)
Getting a bit dangerous trying to battle
daddy for the good cutting spots.

Mommy's was definitely the best!

The Not So Awesome Pumpkin Patch

The face says it all: Get Me Outa Here!
I won't name names but we recently visited the biggest rip off of a pumpkin patch. It was pretty pathetic. Not only did they charge a ton for the entrance fee that included very little, they had no pumpkins worth even looking at. Thank goodness for old reliable Walmart to fulfill our pumpkin needs. Plus Teagie was pretty thrilled with getting to go to TWO pumpkin patches. Now anytime we go to Walmart he says we are going to the pumpkin patch :)

I love Dustin's forced cheeser. Can you tell we had a blast :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just Wanna Do Some Pinchin'

Had to post all of my most favorite baby pics of little Tiggs. I miss his oh so incredibly round and chubby face. Just want to grab and kiss, grab and kiss :)


So hopefully we are not bad parents for this but the other day Teagen was trying to put his toy car track together. He was getting so frustrated that the pieces wouldn't fit and he kept saying "piece of s***, piece of s***". It reminded me of Dustin when he can't get the computer to work right or when he's working on the car... It is truly amazing at how much and how fast a little one can pick up those things. We thought it was funny but I know I'm going to be completely embarrassed when the nursery teacher has to inform me of his fine vocabulary. Must research how to get toddlers to forget certain words...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Boop

I should have started a family blog a lot sooner. I'm sad that I did not keep track of all Teagen's milestones and quirky moments. They certainly happen fast and the next thing I knew our baby turned two and I can't even remember when he walked or started talking. That is all about to change. From now on I'm going to try to blog as much as possible so that we can remember those moments. I will also be adding a few backtrack moments to play catch up.

To start I had to write about the boop. I don't know why but I say boop A LOT. Whenever I change Teagie's diaper a nice sing songy boop comes out when I put the sides together. I say boop when I pull up his pants or when he puts an arm through a sleeve. I boop it up when I put his shoes on or when I lift him up. Maybe it's a mommy thing. I didn't even realize I was saying it until Teagen started saying it too. Now he says boop all the time and it is hilarious. His is even higher pitched than mine so it just sounds too cute. Oh the things we teach our kids :)