Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reading Positions

Not the best picture but just too cute how the boys are intently listening to daddy read to them. I love these boys!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Here We Go 2014

We were able to start the new year off with a fun start visiting the Ford side for a few days. Teagen had a blast playing with his cousins and seeing his Grandma and Grandpa Ford. There was lots of sledding, snowball fights, snowman building, playing settlers of Catan, and good food.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Blogging

Since I still haven't gotten into the habit of updating the good ol' blog, I'm starting a new routine of writing a new update every Sunday. Here it goes :) Today is Teagen's 4th birthday. I am in disbelief that time has seriously flown by so fast. He is such a big boy now and definitely has the attitude to back it up. We had a little party for him yesterday  and his friends Aly and Luke joined us. Teagie Loves, Loves, Loves the game Plants vs. Zombies so that was the theme. The three kids had fun doing a monster egg hunt, hitting the piƱata, and eating zombie cake. Brooks did good sleeping through most of the party.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

More Sayings From a 3 Year Old

1. While wrestling with Grandpa Ford, told his cousin Siena: "Stand back princess, I got this".

2. In the middle of Target..."Look, you have nipples!!!" Sooooo embarrassing.

3. The day after St. Patrick's Day: "Have all of the lepers gone home?" (FYI lepers is how he says leprechauns)

4. "I sure hope the baby guy brings me a baby boy!"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It's a Boy, It's a Boy!!

During the ultrasound, Teagen kept telling the technician that all he wanted was a boy, a baby brother. When she announced it was indeed a boy, he kept shouting "I got my boy!!!" We are so excited for our little one to arrive. I know I might be seriously out numbered now but at least they will all have fun together and teach me some good lessons on how to be more spirited and energetic like a true Ford boy. Only 17 more weeks to go!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lots & Lots of Odd Goings On

Since I have not updated the blog in forever, I have a ton to catch up on! In the words of Ned McDodd from Horton Hears A Who, "There are a lot of odd goings on in whoville". These all happen to be good goings on. Soooooo...... Dustin and I are expecting baby #2 on July 17th. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and we are so excited to be able to find out if it's a boy or girl soon. (I'm really hoping for a girl but will love, love, love either no matter what). 

The other big news is Dustin got a job with the NRCS as a soil conservationist and will start work the end of Feb. We will be moving to the Boise area which is exactly where we were hoping to end up. Right now Teagen and I are staying with grandma and grandpa Ford while Dustin finishes work and school in Fargo. Teagie is having a blast helping both of them and staying busy busy busy with various fun farm things. Yesterday he really enjoyed helping grandpa haul and load wood and work on the four wheeler. 

We are hoping we can find our home soon and that our move will go smoothly. So far so good and we are so thankful for the many wonderful blessings that have come our way. I am missing my Fargo friends and ward greatly and hoping that we will meet nice people at our new home. It might be a tough transition considering we were so spoiled by such good people in Fargo. 

Just can't wait for our new adventure!